Village of Shelby
Master Plan
Oceana County, Michigan
The Village of Shelby is a community of approximately 2,000 people located in Oceana County, within the western region of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. The Village is approximately 1.7 square miles centrally located in Shelby Township. Lake Michigan and Silver Lake State Park are both near the Village, providing scenic and recreational opportunities. Williams & Works has been working with the Village since 2012 on various planning and zoning matters, and in 2019/2020 a new Master Plan was developed.
The new Master Plan was based on input gathered at numerous Village meetings along with a l community opinion survey. The survey was drafted in both English and Spanish in order to gather the opinions and perceptions from all residents, including those sometimes excluded from the planning process.
The new plan contains a thorough discussion of the community’s existing conditions, needs, and desires. It contains a robust downtown development plan and redevelopment strategies to further the City’s path toward Redevelopment Ready Community (RRC) certification, and provides thet Village with a robust set of recommendations to implement the plan and capitalize on its unique assets.