City of Grand Rapids
Street Design & Construction
Kent County, Michigan
Williams & Works has provided professional design engineering, construction engineering, and surveying services to the City of Grand Rapids on several street reconstruction and street resurfacing projects in recent years. Services provided to the City of Grand Rapids include topographical survey, coordination of geotechnical investigations, coordination of public/private utility relocations, preliminary plans & specifications, checkprint plans & specifications, final plans & specifications, construction bidding assistance, construction inspection, construction staking, community engagement, and project closeout.
All of these projects involved implementing improvements to the existing street corridor to meet the recommendations of the Grand Rapids Vital Street Plan. This has included improvements to stormwater quality with the addition of green infrastructure and making the street more user-friendly for all modes of transportation (pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle, and public transit). These projects involved working in collaboration with various members of the City of Grand Rapids staff at several stages of project development. Recently completed street design and construction projects for the City of Grand Rapids include:
- Eastern Avenue from 28th Street to Alger Street (constructed 2017)
- Madison Avenue from Cottage Grove Street to Adams Street (constructed 2019)
- Alger Street from Madison Avenue to Eastern Avenue (constructed 2020)
- Madison Avenue from 28th Street to Alger Street (constructed 2020)
- Mt. Mercy Drive and Valley Avenue (constructed 2021)