Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.
Streetspace Design Guidelines
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Since 2006, Downtown Grand Rapids has experienced over a billion dollars of investment resulting in significant growth of resident, employee, student, and visitor populations. Nearly 6,000 residents, 40,000 workers, and over one million visitors walk Downtown’s streets each year.
The Downtown Streetspace Design Guidelines provide the playbook to ensure a cohesive, functional, and vibrant streetspace that is universally welcoming, accessible, and reflects the character of the amenities and destinations surrounding it.
The Downtown Streetspace Design Guidelines reinforce the character and identity of key streets and provide clear recommendations and best practices for allocating space within the public right-of-way. Essential to the guidelines is establishing a framework around designing for people first, creating inviting spaces, and building enduring, sustainable places.
The consulting team consisted of Williams & Works, Nederveld, and Aligned Planning.
Award Winning Project!
Michigan Association of Planning 2019 Urban Design Award for Planning Excellence