Act 233

Local Government Responses to Act 233 of 2023

By Andrew Moore, AICP

In late 2023, Governor Whitmer signed a package of bills targeting clean energy into law. Among them was Act 233 of 2023, which upon becoming effective on November 29, 2024, will largely preempt local control over wind, solar, and energy storage facilities throughout the state. Act 233 will have significant impacts on local units of government as utility-scale wind, solar, or energy storage companies will be able to bypass the local approval process.

Specifically, Act 233 provides for preemption of zoning and other ordinances for the following renewable energy facilities that generate or store power for off-site use:

  • Solar energy facilities with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more;
  • Wind energy facilities with a capacity of 100 megawatts or more; and
  • Energy storage facilities with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more and an energy discharge capability of 200 megawatt hours or more.

Over the last several years, many communities have undertaken lengthy and sometimes contentious efforts to draft zoning and other provisions related to the siting of wind and solar facilities. Now, many of these communities are left wondering what to do in light of this new legislation.

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Native Plants for West Michigan Pollinators

Native Plants for West Michigan Pollinators

By Maleah Rakestraw, ASLA


“Save the bees!” is a common mantra chanted by gardeners all across the great state of Michigan. According to Michigan State University’s Michigan Pollinator Initiative, there are over 450 different species of bees in the state. The importance of sustaining bee populations is not lost on the average Michigander, but providing a safe haven and continuous source of food throughout the frost-free months for both bees and other pollinators is an area that can sometimes be overlooked.

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Is Your Community’s Parks and Recreation Plan Up to Date?

Is Your Community’s Parks and Recreation Plan Up to Date?

By Andy Moore, AICP

Parks and recreation facilities and programs serve a key role in every community and governments at all levels have recognized the importance of recreation to the quality of life and the physical and mental health of their citizens. This recognition has been manifested in the development of National, State, and local park systems that include non-motorized trails, the preservation of natural areas, and the provision of open spaces for both active and passive recreational use.

Recreation planning is an exercise performed by local and state governments to anticipate change, promote needed change, and direct recreational development in a way that benefits the entire community. It has the aim of harmonizing the available recreational resources and activities with the social, environmental, aesthetic, cultural, political, and economic requirements of the jurisdiction. Therefore, every community that seeks to provide recreational opportunities to its residents should be engaged in some level of parks and recreation planning.

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